Chemicals Solutions

Many industrial chemical products, including adhesives, solvents and composites, are time and temperature sensitive (TATS). Opportunities are present throughout the supply chain for temperature excursions and loss of product to occur. It’s important to know these materials have not been exposed to temperature abuse during manufacturing, distribution and storage, and are safe for use.

DeltaTrak provides solutions to help manage the cold chain and compliance with QA and ISO standards, as well as other regulatory requirements for TATS materials. FlashLink CT Data Loggers are ideal for temperature monitoring and recording during transport and storage. With our patented ShadowLog® feature, the logger records temperature even when the operator forgets to activate the unit. FlashPDF software automatically downloads data to a PC and creates a locked PDF file. Compact and easy to use, the CT Logger is an essential tool to enhance your supply chain management. The FlashLink CT -80 Data Logger is a model available for extremely low temperature applications such as dry ice shipments.

For a quick visual reading to determine if TATS materials have been exposed to abusive conditions, apply DeltaTrak TempDot Plus time/temperature indicator labels to packages, cartons, or pallets. These accurate, low cost temperature sensitive labels provide irreversible indication of cumulative temperature abuse as they travel through the supply chain along with the products.

During storage and processing, the FlashRF Wireless System can be used for around the clock environmental monitoring of facilities. RF Loggers monitor temperature and humidity, and transmit the data to a receiver, and FlashRF Program Manager Software allows users to view data and program loggers with sample intervals and alarm set points. Various models of RF Loggers are available, including external sensors for monitoring core temperature of products and for cryogenic storage applications.

Chemical Solutions

Chemicals Solutions

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